UFOTV® End User License Agreement
This Agreement is between you and UFOTV® Inc. (UFOTV®), UFOTV®, us, we are all used interchangeably in this agreement and mean the same thing.
Take notice that by downloading any of the software and/or applications provided to you by UFOTV® Inc. you agree that you have read and understand this agreement and that you will be bound by its terms. You also acknowledge that you may receive for download other versions of our software or applications and that you also be bound by the same terms as to the new versions. If for any reason you do not agree to what is stated above then do not use the software as you do not have a license to do so.
This limited use license to use our software or applications for the UFOTV® Service only. You may not use this software/application anywhere else. You have no ownership rights of any kind whatsoever in any of the Software/application. Ownership of the Software/application belongs UFOTV® and its licensors.
From time to time, without notice, we may change our terms and you agree to be bound to the new terms, the new terms will supersede any previous terms. From time to time we urge you to review the End User License Agreement.
Based on the above you agree that you understand that you have a limited use, nonexclusive license which is nontransferable and limited to your use or to that of your household members under your supervision and responsibility. You will have the use to install and use our (the word our will also be understood by you to mean third parties) in object form only in connection with your use of the UFOTV® service.You will have the right to use/install our software on six UFOTV® ready devices only. Our Software cannot be modified, you agree to be bound by the same rules on all your devices as set forth in this agreement, all copyright notices are maintained on this software.
You understand that this service and the software is for your use only and not for a business or any commercial use.
You further understand and agree that you cannot: Watch, stream, download content outside of the UFOTV® Territory (Country authorized by UFOTV®), you may not give the software to anyone else to use other than described in this agreement, you may not rent, lease, disclose, loan, distribute, modify, etc derivative works of our software or any part thereof. You are forbidden from copying, disassembling, translating, adapting, etc. or reduce to human readable form.
You may not create the source code from the object code of our Software. All content including the Software is copyrighted and you may not take any action that will infringe on copyright laws in the United States or anywhere else, in the Universe, outside of the United States.
If the Software is uninstalled it will not be possible for you to view movies, and other content on your UFOTV® Ready Device.
In addition to not having any interest in the software, you have no interest in any of the content on the site, including all of the titles (films, documentaries, etc) that you download from UFOTV®, any attempt to copy, sell, share or otherwise distribute such content will be a violation of copyright law in the United States and globally.
The terms outlined in this Agreement will equally apply to any third-party software program contained in Software.
The Software may be used to provide UFOTV® with information about your viewing habits, etc. (information in relation to your use of the service) for example what content (movie, documentary, etc.) you viewed and for how long, etc. these habits will allow us to better inform UFOTV® subscribers/users/members about our content which will provide for a better viewing experience.
In the future UFOTV® may require you to consent to an upgrade of the Software or UFOTV® Service, if you do not consent to such an upgrade you agree that you may not use or access the UFOTV® Service.
This license will be effective until terminated. UFOTV® has the right to terminate your rights under this agreement at any time without notice. UFOTV® may terminate your rights if it finds that you have violated this agreement in any way. All rights belonging to UFOTV® in this agreement shall survive any termination of this Agreement (i.e. UFOTV® End User Agreement).
You agree and acknowledge that of our Software being compatible with your System may change and that you understand that compatibility with your system is your responsibility.You agree that in the event of termination that you must destroy any and all of our software in your possession, which includes software that you may have downloaded.